Published in

The Motherload

My Daughters — They Amaze Me

So different, each uniquely herself

My girls are often the topic of articles I share here, which makes perfect sense, since they are my biggest joy in life.

My oldest will be 19 this spring, and she is busily building her own life. I love watching her explore the world, and each decision she makes, even the ones I don’t agree with, makes me so proud of her.



From dreaming of children to empty nesting, this is a place for mothers to share the load. Here you will find content that is valuable for mothers of all ages and experience levels. We are setting out to be the motherload of motherhood information.

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Melissa Gray

5x top writer. I don't fit in a box, unless it's a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Follow me anyway. Mom of 2. Wife of 1. Editor.
