


  1. 确定一个问题:寻找自己生活中的问题或周围人的生活中,您认为可以通过新产品或服务来解决。
  2. 寻找市场上的差距:研究您感兴趣的现有公司和产品,并寻找有改进空间或需求未满足的领域。通常,一个好的初创公司在一个新的行业,利基市场或竞争对手很少。这个想法越具创新性,越好。
  3. 遵循新兴趋势:请了解您感兴趣的领域的发展和进步,以及更广泛的技术和文化趋势,因为它们可能指出了新的未开发机会。
  4. 网络并尽可能多地协作:非常重要的是要知道,有99.99%的成功组织不会因一个人或一小部分人的努力而到达那里。相反,它们是一项集体努力,因此请尝试与尽可能多的人合作并合作。与具有不同背景和经验的人交谈,并向新的观点和想法开放。与他人合作通常会带来新的见解和机会。我强烈建议您与您可以与您的家人和朋友一样喜欢与您交谈的人谈论您的想法。在约会时询问他们,或邀请他们吃晚饭,让他们知道您希望他们对您的创业想法的反馈。还要与尽可能多的人(包括您的客户和潜在客户)讨论您的想法或新创业公司。一个很好的地方是与您的利基/行业,聚会和黑客马拉松有关的会议!您会惊讶于您的社交网络能获得多少价值,您可以从这些对话中获得的见解,很多时候这些对话也会为您带来新的客户,投资者,员工甚至联合创始人!
  5. 测试和验证:一旦有了一个想法,验证您的想法是最重要的一步,您就可以通过与潜在客户交谈并收集反馈来开始验证它。As entrepreneurs it’s important to understand that the market is something that we can’t control or predict perfectly, so every time we build an idea expecting customers to come, we are taking a leap of faith, we are taking a chance, there is no way to guarantee your success, but by validating your idea and looking for early signs of demand, you can reduce your risk. By validating many ideas over and over again, you can also increase the likelihood that you stumble upon the winning idea. To validate it, you have to sell your idea and get revenue for it as fast as you can. Money from customers is the best form of validation you can get for a startup idea. This will help you understand whether there is a real demand for your product or service, and allow you to make any necessary adjustments before investing too much time and resources into the idea.在文章后面稍后有关此信息的更多信息
  6. 不要失去热情!我从传奇投资者蒂姆·德雷珀(Tim Draper)那里学到了这一点。温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)还将成功定义为“从失败而不会失去热情”。愿意重复我列出的过程,快速失败,失败,在发现吸引力之前所需的次数,以及市场的积极回应,正如我所说的那样,我在首选的吸引力形式是销售和收入之前所说的。Without traction you won’t be able to raise money from investors or do anything else, I don’t recommend trying to get venture capital as your main focus, most of the time you need a business that has grown, and users before can even consider trying to raise money. Your number one priority after you have an idea is to get it to positive revenue and revenue growth.





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一个说“在应用商店上下载”的按钮,如果单击,它将带您到iOS App Store
一个说“获取它,Google Play”的按钮,如果单击它,它将带您到Google Play商店

