


★★★★地铁站呼吸着新鲜的气氛,但火车车是一个滚动的热箱,其影响不会通过地上转移和第二列火车磨损,并带有不间断的空调。东侧的阳光很锋利。不过,即使一天达到顶峰,热量也永远不会残酷。联合广场的烤式路面正在舒缓办公室的脚部。天空失去了蓝色的深度和纯度,而是支持白垩。在聚集evning的静止气氛中,较远市区的建筑物闪闪发光。在手头附近,中城建筑物的大型建筑物的大型外墙的明亮部分反映在其他中城建筑物的大外墙中。特朗普大厦意外地走向家中的锯齿形沿着古怪的道路。betway娱乐官网黄铜树冠在路障后面沉闷而破旧,从周围的旺盛灯上切断。这位五岁的孩子到达了公园的东南角,然后完全使自己抱怨他的腿不会进一步。 It was one against three, but his legs had in truth been through a long day, and hailing a cab was faster than winning the argument would have been. Somewhere around Columbus Circle, raindrops began peppering the windshield. The sky above was blue, and the west was lemony, and the five-year-old was wrong yet vindicated. The wipers came on. As the taxi pulled up to the building, a figure came into view in the corner of the forecourt, bent over, pointing its pale and completely bare behind out at the world, while the rain kept falling on the bricks.

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