
乔·拜登(Joe Biden)即将发现。



I asked scholars who explore issues of social conflict and polarization about the predicament Biden finds himself in. There were optimists and pessimists. If recent history provides a guide, the pessimists may well carry the day.




when Americans are divided on simple facts, and live in two different realities, we are not a governable people. To put it another way, when two people playing a game cannot agree on the basic rules and layout of the game, they cannot play. When groups within American society believe in two different sets of rules on how to play the game of democracy, it cannot be played and we become ungovernable.



On one hand, he has put in much work with his transition team on vaccination and stimulus plans. He comes into office as a man of respect and civility, who wants to bring relief to the American people. On the other hand, our country is fundamentally divided and Congressional Republicans may want to continue playing hardball, like they did during Obama’s presidency.


与正在崩溃或处于内战边缘的国家 - 1860年代初期或1919年后的德国或1990年代初期的苏联。政变和政变属于这个世界 - 想到1991年8月对戈尔巴乔夫的政变,或者1920年代初期在德国的多个推杆。苏联抑制了种族冲突,然后爆发,将社会陷入暴力,崩溃和瓦解。特朗普总统职位的语言和行动煽动了长期的种族鸿沟,其特征是获得身体,货币,学术和政治资源的不可及其。







When a sizable portion of a country does not believe that the party in power was legitimately elected, it reduces support for the system and increases the chance of violence. If a portion of the GOP continues to promote false claims about the election outcome, it will only encourage more of what we saw on Jan. 6.



我问Arceneaux Biden的两党制作目标是否在天空中:



就像过去四年一样丑陋,而且,尽管他们伤害了许多人,但精英们在很大程度上愿意容忍它 - 它带来了他们喜欢的政策,并将经济回报交给了最富有的美国人。它甚至在Twitter和Facebook上传递了点击。特朗普受到侵犯的规范主要是抽象的,似乎对他们的生活方式没有任何直接威胁。



随着对国会大厦的袭击的内在现实,这似乎已经改变了 - 一些共和党人立即放弃了特朗普,甚至在商业和其他地方的精英,他们以前可能不喜欢特朗普,但仍然没有动力对他采取行动,感到震惊采取行动限制损害。


Trump’s brand has been greatly diminished. But even in his diminished state, Trump is unlikely to simply go away — and voters most committed to the party, those most willing to vote, are going to continue to listen to him. Republicans have put themselves — and the country — in a terrible position.

One likely outcome of the violent Capitol riots is that an increased number of Republicans are forced to confront the influence of white supremacy within the party. Many Republicans have looked the other way throughout the Trump presidency. But that will be difficult going forward, creating an obvious fault line within the party. Republican leadership will be crucial in determining whether the party continues to embrace, or at least tolerate white supremacy, or moves forcefully to marginalize its influence.


国会大厦的入侵使拜登有机会与共和党人接触,他们在1月6日之后与特朗普表示不安,包括米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)。我希望拜登将非常有效地立法。拜登知道如何根据他在白宫担任副总统和山上担任参议员的经验来完成事情。




If Biden remains committed to a restoration of bipartisanship in Congress, his administration, in Ansolabehere’s view, will face an ongoing struggle as it attempts to balance the demands of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party while recruiting at least a few Republicans. “I would not be surprised to see a big infrastructure bill with a lot of money for roads, airports and energy,” Ansolabehere said. “That is the kind of measure that would get everybody on board.”



The Biden immigration plans could wreck his whole administration from the start. They will invite a border surge that will force Biden to choose between mass detentions or ever-accelerating unauthorized migration.


One question I posed to the scholars and analysts I contacted was: How governable is a country in which a substantial proportion of the voters believe an election was stolen?

The country has barely been governable since the Clinton/Gingrich years, with frequent moments of utter paralysis. Still, it depends on the context. In a moment of genuine national crisis, people come together. George W. Bush enjoyed broad support after 9/11 and achieved major, if debatable, goals during his tenure — notably going to war with Iraq. Biden, in this new moment of crisis, may be able to build substantial support from the center-right, enough to marginalize that proportion of voters who believe the election was stolen. In the long term, however, if these voters continue to reflexively oppose absolutely everything proposed by a non-Trump president, it will make running the country exceedingly difficult.


布鲁金斯高级研究员威廉·弗雷(William Frey)组合的随附图表说明了这个问题。在2016年至2020年的党派趋势中,白人中有3分的民主收获,黑人美国人的六分降低,西班牙裔美国人的五分球下降,来自来自的亚裔美国人的11点下降了2016年至2020年。

The size and scope of the opposition forces Biden faces are difficult to overestimate.


他们的一个或另一个价值观受到了攻击 - 不是一个阶级,而是受到越来越多的多元文化社会,尤其是越来越多的多种族社会的多种挑战者的激增宇宙。证据表明,文化冲突开始与1970年代的经济脱位大致相同。当然,在此之前,传统价值观受到了攻击,包括种族隔离,胎儿生活的权利,并有武器提及一些。但是,在20世纪的最后一个季度,挑战的数量和多样性(涉及种族,国籍,宗教,性别和性认同)增加了。




在共和党的保护下,这些怨恨来源的结合以及唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)对这种愤怒的动员已经释放了一支尚未花费的美国政治部队。


尽管如此,还有新一代即将来临。布莱恩·沙夫纳(Brian Schaffner)在一封电子邮件中给我写信:

Where progress can come is by focusing especially on the record numbers of young Americans who have voted in the past two election cycles. While many whites do not like the Democratic Party’s stance on issues of inclusion, there is a pretty clear age gradient to that trend, with many younger whites being much more progressive on those attitudes. Thus I think Biden’s best bet is to take a first step at lessening polarization for future presidents by building on Democrats’ success among millennials and Gen Z voters in recent elections.


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