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Whenever I teach anybody this framework,there’s always this eye-opening moment when people in the audience recognize their behaviours and understand why they act in a certain way.

The wifi is down in the office. What do you do?

Imagine this situation.You are in the office. Everybody is busy working.Suddenly, slack is down. You can’t send/receive any eMails.You can’t access the files on the server. What do you do?

The Responsibility Process describes how you act

Do you frantically hit “reconnect”? Do you ask your colleagues, if they also have trouble? Do you go to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee because you can’t work anyway?Your behaviour depends on the degree of responsibility you show in this situation.The author of “the responsibility process”,克里斯托弗·艾弗里(Christopher Avery),以以下方式定义责任:

The Responsibility process in a nutshell. By Christopher Avery,

Understand the different stages in order to reach responsibility

  1. 责怪:”Oh these IT colleagues again. Things never work in this company. They screwed up again.”
  2. 证明合法:您通过借口证明当前情况是合理的。“The wifi is down. I can’t do anything about it. Let’s grab a coffee” (Fun fact: Next time the wifi is down in your company, pay attention to how many people suddenly gather around the coffee machine)
  3. Shame:You feel guilty about it and blame yourself.“I’ve probably done something wrong and that’s why it’s not working on my computer”
  4. 义务:You feel obliged to do something about it, even if you don’t want to.“I should talk to the IT helpdesk. I should figure out how to connect to the other wifi”
  5. Responsibility:您拥有行动的能力和力量。您选择该怎么做because you wantit.“I’ll just turn on my personal hotspot and continue working”

We all experience these stages. Depending on our degree of responsibility, we either stay stuck in one stage or manage to climb up the ladder to reach responsibility.


There’s nothing wrong with you if you find yourself in a certain stage!

This is really significant. What I want you to take away from this article: Experiencing these stages is normal. And even if you show “responsible” behaviour in one situation, it does not mean you will always show it in all other situations.

I want to raise awareness for these stages and nudge you to think about: What could I do to reach the next stage?

How I use this framework


  1. Educate your team.This is a very powerful way to create ownership with your team members.


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UX research & strategy leadership | Coach | Speaker | 16 years UXR experience | 6 years leadership | Psychologist |
