
Creators Hub

Here’s What’s Trending on Medium This Week: August 20–26

Your window into the stories resonating with readers right now

1.“”屏幕时间工作父母指南“ 经过亚历山德拉·塞缪尔(Alexandra Samuel),作者Remote, Inc.

2. “How to Prove the Big Bang With an Old TV Set“ 经过Ethan Siegel, astrophysicist and NASA columnist

3. “Sleep… nature’s healer. So why is it the last thing you’ll find at a hospital?“ 经过Sara_Mednick,U.C.认知神经科学教授尔湾

4.“”38 Lessons Learned Raising 38 Million Pounds“ 经过Ilana Wisby,企业家兼首席执行官牛津量子电路

5. “I Have a New Relationship With Death“ 经过Holy Sh*t I Have Cancer

6.“”I Was Eddie Munson, And You Hated Me“ 经过Benjamin Sledge,作家和战斗资深人士

7. “We Flooded Our Dating App With Bots… To Scam Scammers“ 经过Brian Weinreich, start-up founder and CEO

8. “如果我能再次说话“ 经过Cai Emmons,小说家

9.“”Agile Projects Have Become Waterfall Projects With Sprints“ 经过Ben “The Hosk” Hosking, software developer

10.“”机器可以学习如何表现吗?“ 经过Blaise Aguera y Arcas,副总裁和Google Research的研究员

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