Two images of the same old photo side-by-side with one partially restored by online AI software and the original beside it for comparison

AI photo restoration

I have a black and white photo-booth snapshot of my grandparents taken in 1941 right after they got married. It’s torn, bent, water damaged, discolored, and the paper developed something like scales. I photographed it with my iPhone 13 and started photo editing it. It was going to be a long tedious process.


There’s a lot of work left to do in Photoshop, but it’s a great start. Thanks for sharing this.



Thank you, Kim, for featuring my writing journey on your blog! I never even imagined an article like this from anyone. It’s really cool. My philosophy is to grow where I’m planted. Pebbles don’t complain about where they are dropped in the lake, they just go ahead and make a splash right there. My first email to my list was to eight subscribers. I love how you say it, “not disdaining the small size of his subscriber list.” That’s right. Each of those subscribers wanted to hear from me (presumably), so that’s where I started.



我有很多纸质书籍!大多数是几十年前购买的。如果我在Apple Books和Kindle上以硬拷贝格式有所有书籍,它可能会挑战我家中地板系统的完整性。大约20年前,我的父母与许多书籍分开了。我讨厌那个,因为我希望今天有一些书中有一些书。并不是说其他​​人想念他们,我妈妈仍然有一堵墙。




An “objectification of evil” is a good way to put it, Nicola.

The sewage spill of occultic symbolism blithely broadcast by media and corporations from their clueless marketing goofs gets picked up by individuals in society and happily paraded as “fun” and amplified by social media. As if a celebration of death through noxious, occultic, human sacrifice rituals is somehow something that anyone should call fun. It’s not just absurd and ignorant, it’s intentionally inhumane and anti-Christian.

That’s the tip of the iceberg, too. TV and movie streaming and broadcasts scrape an endless barrell of new and left-over putrid content. Then, of course, the entire pop music industry is one big, chronic, oozing, occultic mass ritual 24/7. October is just an excuse to crank up the volume on their stupidness from 10 to 11.

Thanks for writing your post to speak out.




In central Georgia from my desk at a window overlooking my back yard, I write Southern, science and historical fiction with Christian
