




  • V8 Javascript Engine — compilation steps, heap and memory management, and call stack.
  • Browser runtime — concurrency models, event loops, and blocking and non-blocking code.

JavaScript Engine

The most popular JavaScript engine is V8 which is written in C++ and used by Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome, Opera, and even Edge.



当您的JavaScript文件由浏览器加载时,V8的解析器将其转换为抽象语法树(AST)。该树由点火(点火)使用 - 产生字节码的解释器。字节码是通过编译到非优化的机器代码来执行的机器代码的抽象。V8在主线程中执行它,而优化编译器TurboFan在另一个线程中进行了一些优化,并产生了优化的机器代码。

This pipeline is calledjust-in-time (JIT) compilation.




  • local variables
  • 参数参数
  • return address


在Chrome Dev工具中调用堆栈

如您在上面的示例中所看到的,在每个函数调用上创建了一个帧,并在每个返回语句上删除(more about what is stored in the call stack you can read这里).

Everything else is allocated dynamically in a large unstructured piece of memory called theHeap.


Sometimes V8 doesn’t know at compile time how much memory an object variable will need. All the memory allocation for such data happens in the heap — unstructured region of memory. Objects on the heap live on after we exit the function that allocated the memory.

V8 has a built-in Garbage Collector (GC). Garbage collection is a form of memory management. It’s like a collector which attempts to release the memory occupied by objects that are no longer being used. In other words, when a variable loses all its references GC marks this memory as “unreachable” and releases it.

You can investigate heap by making a snapshot in Chrome Dev Tools.

Heap snapshot in Chrome Dev Tools (2.2 MB for a blank page!)

实例化的每个JavaScript对象都按其构造函数类别分组。括号的分组表示您无法直接调用的本机构造函数。如您所见,有很多(compiled code)(系统)实例,但也有一些传统的JavaScript对象数学,String,Array和so on.


So V8 can execute JavaScript according to the standard, synchronously, using a single call stack. But there is not much we can do with it. We need to render the UI. We need to handle user interactions with the UI. Moreover, we need to handle user interactions while making network requests. But how do we achieve concurrency when all our code is synchronous?It’s possible thanks to the browser engine.

The browser engine is responsible for rendering pages with HTML and CSS. In Chrome it’s called Blink. It’s a fork of网站这是一个布局,渲染和文档对象模型(DOM)库。眨眼是在C ++中实现的,并公开Web API,例如DOM元素和事件,XMLHttpRequest,拿来,setTimeout,setInterval等等,可以通过JavaScript访问.


在Chrome Dev工具中调用超时的堆栈

如我们所见f1()f2()functions are pushed to the stack first and thenOntimeout被执行。

The key point is that we are registering a function to run at a later time. Whether it’s a user click or a timeout. Our asynchronous callback is executed by V8 only after the corresponding event is fired.

So how does the example above works?


紧随其后setTimeout执行功能 - 浏览器引擎位置setTimeout’s callback function into an事件表.It’s a data structure which maps registered callbacks to events, in our caseOntimeout函数到超时事件。

Once the timer expires, in our case immediately as we put 0 ms as the delay, the event is fired and theOntimeoutfunction is put in the事件队列(aka the callback queue or message queue or task queue). The event queue is a data structure which consists of callback functions (tasks) to be processed in the future.

And last but not least, the事件循环,一个不断运行的循环,检查呼叫堆栈是否为空。如果是这样,则执行了事件队列中的第一个添加回调,因此移至呼叫堆栈。

The processing of functions continues until the call stack is once again empty. Then the event loop will process the next callback in the event queue (if there is one).

const fn1 =()=> console.log('fn1')
const fn2 = () => console.log('fn2')
const callback =()=> console.log('timeout')
// 输出:
// FN1
// FN2
// timeout

ECMAScript 2015 introduced the concept of thejob queue(又称微任务队列)。这个队列充满了诺言resolve拒绝functions. Callbacks in the job queue have a higher priority of execution than callbacks in the event queue. Which means that the event loop will execute all of them one by one before any other callback in the event queue.

const fn1 =()=> console.log('fn1')
const fn2 = () => console.log('fn2')
const onTimeout = () => console.log('timeout')
const onResolve1 = () => console.log('resolved1')
const onResolve2 =()=> console.log('resolved2')
fn2()// 输出:
// FN1
// FN2
// resolved1
// resolved2
// timeout


Blocking vs Non-Blocking

In simple terms, all the JavaScript code is consideredblocking.While V8 is busy with processing stack frames — the browser is stuck. The UI of your app is blocked. The user won’t be able to click, navigate, or scroll. Responses from your network requests won’t be processed until V8 finishes its work.


const fn1 =()=> console.log('fn1')
const onResolve = () => console.log('resolved')
const parseimage =()=> { / *长期解析算法 * /}
Promise.resolve().then(onResolve) // or any other Web API async fn

在上面的示例中,事件循环被阻止。它无法处理来自event/job queue因为call stack包含帧。

Web API使我们有可能写作non-blockingcode via asynchronous callbacks. When calling functions likesetTimeoutor拿来, we are delegating all the work to C++ native code which runs in a separate thread. As soon as the operation is completed the callback is put to事件队列. Meanwhile, V8 can continue further execution of JavaScript code.



Understanding what the JavaScript environment is composed of is crucial for every developer who wants to be able to solve complex tasks. Now we know how asynchronous JavaScript works, the role of the call stack, event loop, event queue and job queue in its concurrency model.

As you might have guessed there is a lot more going on behind V8 engine and browser engine. However, most of us simply need to have a basic understanding of all these concepts. Please, click the clap , if the article above was helpful for you.


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