The shadow cosmos is coming


Who was the first person in the world to say this, before Shakespeare? The Eastern thinkers, mystics, Buddhists, certainly already said this.


Myth gave way to philosophy and science. The ancient Greeks began to postulate the “beyond what we see” in philosophy and science, beyond myth. Was Plato’s World of Ideas the most extraordinary thing ever created by Greek philosophy?

Irrational number — Wikipedia

Mathematics, however, plays tricks on us, generates some kind of optical illusions, making us confuse our logic. For example, the channel Ciência Todo Dia tells the story of the Three Doors Game, like the one on Sílvio Santos, but created in the United States.

在一扇门里有奖品。另一个是山羊。在第三扇门中,什么都没有。客人会选择一扇门。主人淘汰了一扇门,留下了两扇门。他会问客人:“您想保留门还是想切换?”大多数时候,奖品在另一扇门。怎么可能?如果有两扇门,那么在另一扇门中获得奖品的机会是50%?不,因为当主人淘汰他知道什么都没有的门时,另一扇门成为2/3的机会。 How would this be possible? It would be 50% if the announcer did not know where the prize is, but since he deliberately eliminated a door where he knew there was nothing, the chance became 2/3. There would however be the possibility that someone, who watches the program a lot, would notice nuances in the host’s behavior, given the fact that he knows that the guest has already chosen the door with the prize. For example, if the presenter looks deeply into the eyes of the guest and gives a little smile, he is already demonstrating that the guest has chosen the right door. If he spends more time with his eyes turned to another door, it means that that door is where the prize is. We have here a situation of complexity theory.

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根据数学哲学,与神经科学有关,人类只有一个宇宙的版本,现实是什么。我们解释现实,我们不完全了解现实。最大的例子是爱因斯坦逻辑。根据爱因斯坦的说法,时空的光速为300,000 km/s。如果一个人试图超越这一点,那么人们将回到过去。
But this idea of Einstein’s is only the limit of human logic. Einstein himself was trying to solve this problem by seeking the unification of physical theories. Quantum mechanics with relativity, with gravitation, with weak force and strong force, etc. Then he went on to talk about hidden variables. What did Einstein mean by hidden variables?

隐藏的理论 - 维基百科

“There are more things between heaven and earth than our vain philosophy can dream of, Horace.
Within the limits of our logic, we postulate some things, such as subatomic particles, dimensions, celestial bodies. There are things right in front of our noses that we simply cannot see. But we already knew that we would need new equipment to see things. There is no equipment yet to see dark matter (if it exists), but there may be soon. We will see what exerts an enormous gravitational force on galaxies. We will also see the source of dark energy (if dark energy exists).
There is a theory about the shadow biosphere. Another biosphere that coexists with the biological beings here on earth, the ones we can see. But there would be a shadow biosphere, where living beings coexist with us in a half invisible or totally invisible way. For example, there are viruses roaming around that don’t cause us any disease today, but as humans and viruses themselves evolve, they may cause us disease in the future.
The development of new and advanced telescopes and other equipment may enable us to see things never before imagined. Our logic and our anthropic principles will be shaken again, as they were at the time of the development of quantum mechanics. And this will not only depend on the development of new equipment, but also on the development of new layers of consciousness. The development of new layers of consciousness could be related to the development of artificial intelligence. When artificial intelligence reaches the level of human thinking, human thinking takes a step forward.

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