School Principal Murders Pregnant Teacher, 3-Year-Old Girl Solves the Case

Lyntell Washington |Source

Itwas a warm June morning in 2016 when a passerby saw a little girl wandering alone in the parking lot of a Baton Rouge, Louisiana apartment complex. The frightened 3-year-old was dragging a pillow.

When the man asked the bewildered child where her parents were, she led him to an abandoned car nearby. The inside was drenched in blood.

CCTV of Lyntell Washington’s 3-year-old daughter the morning after Lyntell was killed |Source

The car belonged to her mother, 40-year-old teacher, Lyntell Washington, who was nowhere to be found. Soon, the street was lined with police cars, and the 3-year-old told investigators a spine-chilling story.

Lyntell was a loving, single mother who was once named “Teacher of the year.” What she wanted more than anything was a good man, someone who would be there for her and her little girl, someone to settle down with.

Lyntell告诉亲人,她终于找到了一个,甚至向他们展示了她的新男友的照片。他是39岁的罗伯特·马克斯(Robert Marks),是她工作的学校的助理校长。Lyntell迅速为罗伯特(Robert)摔倒了,她的女儿叫“先生先生。罗比。”

Robert Marks with his wife, Kala |Source

There was only one problem. Lyntell had no idea that Robert was living a sordid double life. He told her he was in the process of getting a divorce but in reality, Robert lived with his wife of 4 years and their two young children. Between a family, a full-time job, and a secret girlfriend, Robert somehow managed to find the time to have a mistress on the side, too.



On June 14, 2016, cane field workers found the heavily decomposed remains of Lyntell and her 7-month fetus in Iberville Parish, Louisiana.


Robert abandoned Lyntell’s car in a parking lot 1 block from her home — along with her daughter, whose feet were stained with her blood. She was left alone overnight until a passerby found her and called the police. The brave little girl would ultimately become the prosecution’sstar witness.

Investigator:Who hurt mommy?

Child:Mr. Robbie.

Investigator:Who put blood in the car?

Child:Mr. Robbie.

Investigator:What did you hear when mommy got hurt? With your ears?


After executing his girlfriend and their unborn child, Robert calledTramica Jackson, his secret mistress, and asked her for a ride. Tramica called the police after she saw a news segment of Robert’s arrest. She testified for the prosecution, claiming Robert told her he was a doctor.

Robert Marks |Source

南希·格雷斯(Nancy Grace)采访Robert’s wife, Kala after his arrest. Kala said she loved her husband and didn’t believe he was guilty. A jury disagreed.

On December 17, 2021, Robert Marks was convicted of second-degree murder, second-degree kidnapping, first-degree feticide, aggravated kidnapping of a child, and a slew of other charges. He was subsequently sentenced tolife in prison, without the possibility of parole.

Lyntell Washington |Source

Lyntell Washington is remembered by loved ones as a dedicated teacher and a doting mother who was loyal, kind, and selfless. She adored her students and always went the distance for them. Her daughter, now nine, lives with her father.

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Fatim Hemraj

30-something true crime writer who lives in North America with her hubby & two fur babies ❀
