

Image source:Pixabay

Energy builds intoeverything, and ultimately feeds back into its own production. Oil. Coal. Natural Gas. Metals going into reactors and ‘renewables’. This is a classic self-reinforcing feedback loop, one that is very hard to escape. And just because this has been happening under the radar up until recently — a trend best described by a hockey-stick curve — it does not mean that it can’t spiral out of control very fast.

这意味着,随着提取和处理每个较高质量的存款,采矿成本正在上升。特别是,需要开放矿井开采的卡车和铲子舰队每单位金属拖运更多的矿石, resulting in an增加柴油燃油消耗。将事情置于适当的情况下,降低并不意味着地面上的铜供应已经用完了。这确实意味着铜的供应是提取的经济性正在下降,forcing the productioncost going up。它也是如此mining very reliant on the energy (diesel fuel in particular).

Global diesel and other distillate fuel stocks have been on the decline for a while now, and there is no reversal of this trend in sight. Demand, on the other hand, has been growing, leading to a widening shortage.

好吧,似乎沙特无法增加产量,甚至可能不想他们需要高于76美元的石油价格to balance their budgets and finance their massive welfare program. It’s worth noting here that Saudi Arabia is a net food importer: if food prices rise (due to higher fertilizer costs for e.g.), their breakeven price for oil rises too… posing a huge security risk for them. If they fail to generate high enough revenues for a long enough time from oil they will be forced to make (further) cuts to public welfare.





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