He wanted to kill — A Short Story

Dustin Campbell wanted to kill somebody.


Dustin knew he could get caught by the police — although he doubted it would ever happen — and had already thought out everything he would say while in prison, in order to build onto his persona. He could, after all, become one of those death row inmates on Netflix in a few months, since the death penalty was still practiced in Idaho. However, he firmly believed that he would get away with it, and that he would never kill a second time. Surveillance cameras recorded him in two different retail stores, purchasing a spade, a circular saw, protective gloves, industrial safety goggles, and rope. He didn’t think much of it, since he worked for his dad’s construction company. He figured he could buy cleaning supplies once he arrived in Spokane, to seem less suspicious.

达斯汀(Dustin)告诉他的女友,他要去华盛顿的商务旅行,他不确定她对此有何看法。她声称对他的父亲赋予他更多责任感到高兴。但是为什么华盛顿呢?她永远不会知道,但是斯波坎是他为史黛西·亚当斯(Stacy Adams)找到一个长途男友的地方。当然,Stacy不存在,而是在Facebook和约会网站上。她的网络摄像头从未工作,她很少打电话给男友。也就是说,当达斯汀不愿意使用笔记本电脑上的语音应用程序来打电话给他时。史黛西(Stacy)的男朋友是斯科特·格里菲斯(Scott Griffiths),他是二十多岁的一个孤独的家伙。她不在他的联盟中,但没有太多。达斯汀(Dustin)知道,如果她看上去太好了,那么她就无法相信假装个人资料,他以优雅的举动使用了几年前去世的前高中同学的照片。 A reverse Google search would yield no results, therefore Stacy Adams might as well be a real woman, who liked volleyball, cats, jogging, romantic comedies, and whatever else Dustin had come up with. Scott and Stacy were dating online for about a month, and they chatted almost every day.

Scott said he didn’t have many friends. He was an accountant. His dad had left with another woman when he was a child, and his mother was on rehab. He had no siblings, wasn’t big on sports, and stood five foot four. Stacy was five foot two, but Dustin was six foot two. After eight months of searching, he knew he’d picked the perfect victim.

The day he left Boise, Dustin called his dad, and reminded him not to call his landline, saying he would only be available on mobile, and that his girlfriend needed to be left alone during their break. That was the excuse he made for traveling without her. In retrospect, he could’ve thought of something better, but nothing would go wrong, Dustin was sure. He loaded his car with the things he bought, and his pistol with a fresh magazine. He didn’t plan on firing it, but it could be used to surrender Scott, if necessary. He placed the two mobile phones — his and Stacy’s — on the passenger seat, and started the eight hour drive. His hands shook for the first thirty minutes, and he still wasn’t sure whether he’d go through with his plan. He’d picked an abandoned house off the beaten path to meet up with Scott, but he hadn’t given him the address yet. The place still needed preparation, and Dustin had to make sure no DNA, nor evidence could be left behind. Even if he did cover the entire place with plastic, and newspapers, and prepared all the tools he needed — even so, if he ended up chickening out, he could just give up and go home. Stacy could just ghost Scott; every trace of her online existence could be erased. Dustin was still not guilty of anything but being a catfishing asshole, which wasn’t a felony, as far as he knew.


Dustin had no clue who lived there previously, but it was abandoned for years. It was a modest house along a dirt road on the outskirts of the city. He only needed the garage. The front also had to be cleaned up, so that the porch would look presentable. This way Scott wouldn’t simply drive off when he arrived. He spent the evening raking leaves away from the entrance, and after that, he worked on the garage. He cleaned up most of the dust, then covered the floor and walls with shower curtains. He found a center table in the living room of the house, and brought it down so he could place on it all the tools he planned on using. Dustin also put three different bags on the floor, which he would use to dispose of the body. Stacy’s phone vibrated in his pocket. It was a text message from Scott:猜猜你现在必须在这里. Dustin replied:我的朋友们的地方是一团糟,车库里充满了废话,但我在清理卧室的地方完成了;)明天Cya. Scott texted yet again, saying he could’ve helped her with that, and Dustin did not reply. He went back to his car, drove to a motel, and slept. He kept dreaming about the next day, and woke up several times that night. In some of those dreams, everything went as planned. Other dreams had him failing, either because Scott didn’t show up, or because he fled the scene when he found some tall, lanky guy instead of a petite blonde. These dreams had him frustrated, and even more nervous about the following day.





idk发生了什么,但我醒了,病了,透明he sent.


No way ill be fine. Can u come at 12?达斯汀在那之后给了地址发短信。

Ofc. wow i cant believe u came all the way for me,” he put a bunch of smileys and heart emojis. “我带上你的薄荷。透明

达斯汀(Dustin)退出了汽车旅馆,即使他有足够的时间,他也尽可能快地开车。他把车停在谋杀屋的车库前,还有一个小时直到十二个小时。他不知道该怎么做。整个方法并非完全考虑到。他饿了,他考虑了斯科特所建议的那样推迟,但决定不这样做。他认为如果他今天不这样做,他最终根本不这样做。在某个时候,他不得不排名第一,所以他喝了三分之一一周大的水的三分之一,然后生气了。达斯汀(Dustin)不能冒险在房子周围留出任何DNA。但是,如果他被抓住,他要做的就是保持嘴巴闭嘴,直到律师到达。但是他不会被警察抓住,他知道。 He was right. He was never caught.

还剩四十分钟,仔细检查了车库。一切都很好。还剩十五分钟,他戴上手套,将手枪放在牛仔裤的后部。他走到车库的拐角处,在外面等着。他可以用蝙蝠偷偷溜到斯科特(Scott),但是如果他失败了,他就有枪停止任何逃脱的尝试。这个地方很安静,大多是孤立的。也许斯科特甚至在停车之前都会保释。也许他甚至不会下车。除了他做到了。达斯汀听到汽车到达和停车,然后偷偷偷看,看到他的猎物下车了。 He held the bat firmly in his hands. He placed a foot forward on the pavement, just about to charge wildly, and planning to put himself between Scott and his car. Right before he did that, however, he heard Stacy’s phone ringing from the pocket of his hoodie. Dustin cursed under his breath and took the phone, but couldn’t swipe the button on the screen to reject the call; his protective gloves were too thick. He tossed the phone over his shoulder in a desperate attempt to remain unnoticed, but it was too late. Not only was Scott standing right in front of him, but he was pointing something straight to his face. He heard a loud snap.







He turned off the lights, and went back upstairs. Dustin was left in the dark, slipping in and out of consciousness for what seemed like hours, but eventually he woke up. He felt everything that was done to him afterwards. His dismembered body was found two months later, and Scott Griffiths was charged with unlawful imprisonment and first degree murder. Yet Dustin Campbell was never caught by the police.

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