
就在10年前,我听到了一首叫爱达荷州的歌。当时我像任何自尊科学家一样,那时候这是一首关于爱达荷州的歌。不是。后来,我发现这实际上是基于《禅书》和《摩托车维护艺术》的概念。真正幸福的秘密的建议在于接受您永远不会真正幸福。令人沮丧,或者我想。每当我听到这首歌时,我都会发现自己对这个想法的反思更多,而我会发现的年龄越大,对此我的想法越多,我就越会发现它激励而不是令人沮丧。Often the reason we are unhappy is because life isn’t perfect, and the recognition that this is ok can be hugely liberating, allowing you to manage the imperfections and stop them from derailing you totally, because the truth is they’re not going anywhere.

在过去的几个月中,我经历了比平时多的不完美之处,其中一些与家庭相关的健康戏剧,尽管与许多人相比,但我发现自己对此有些厌倦。这让我反映出的事实是,当事情进展不顺利时,我们似乎有一个巨大的倾向,可以放开我们的学科。When I first lost weight, I managed to stay consistent with my new found healthy lifestyle right until the moment a family member got admitted to hospital, when I immediately decided that I couldn’t possibly be expected to think about nutrition or exercise under the circumstances. There was an M&S in the hospital (obviously), and despite reports that they do in fact sell normal food, I lived almost exclusively on their “amazing tubs of crap” for about 2 weeks, and the rest was history. I found it immensely difficult to get back “on the wagon”, and since then I’ve always wondered why we do that. When things we can’t control go badly, why do we respond by letting the things we can control also go badly, making life even harder for ourselves in the process? One could argue that when we go through hard times we just naturally care less about things that we might deem less important, but what if we could just juggle things a bit better and carry on anyway?

我们与轻松的生活方式相关联的短期情感奖励可能是这个问题的重要组成部分,我们认为会为我们加油的事情只会暂时(如果有的话),但最终使生活更轻松的是什么好吧,明天变得更加困难。这完全取决于我们要实现的目标,当您的世界大部分地区因情况而被颠倒时,一些事情必然会从您的口袋里掉出来。I am the last person in the world to suggest that there’s any shame in sinking a tub of Ben & Jerry’s from time to time, but if it’s happening too much and that’s actively taking you further away from where you want to be, then it’s serving no purpose besides fleeting comfort and a carb coma. And perhaps if we try and focus more on process based goals like enjoying eating well and exercising, rather than outcome based goals like reaching a target weight, we may be better at incorporating what we need to do into the context of our lives.

当我们控制自己可以改变生活的事物时,它可以使人们因无法改变的事情而分心。正是有了这个想法,我决定将我心爱的柔性节食和零星的健身房的出勤率转换为严格的营养和培训计划,这是出于某些原因。Firstly, I don’t want to let things slide the way I did previously, secondly I just wanted to see if I could handle it, and thirdly the more time I spend in the gym, or in the kitchen weighing food, the less time I can spend worrying about my woes. This, as far as I see it, is my Idaho. And it’s kind of working. I’ve learned a lot about myself and how I naturally respond to adversity, and in doing so I’ve realised that it is possible to manage the small stuff while coping with the big stuff. And quite frankly, if I can do it, anyone can.


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迈克尔·贝纳(Michael Banna)

