
Draw and guide the users to the most important parts of the screen seamlessly.


One of the most famous layouts that we can find in the outside world is the Fast Food Assembly Line created by McDonald's, which specifies the role, tasks, and times with the intent of improving the production time that increases efficiency and profits for the company.

There is no talk of layouts that do not include grid systems, designers use grid systems as a structure to create layouts that give specific and consistent measurements to the design, which also helps the design to be displayed in multiple devices. The layout is the real estate framework that allows designers to define how the content would be displayed and how would be the behavior of the interface.

模块化布局is a practice that splits the design canvas(artboard, page, screen, etc.) into smaller subdivisions that work independently and can be created, exchanged, or rearranged across multiple designs.


In the market, we can findmultiple display resolutions, which is why we create a grid system that can work across them. The most common grid system is the 12 column grid system, because of its flexibility and capability to be split into six possible symmetrical (divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 columns) and much more asymmetrical layouts.

When looking at a UI, we could be able to identify the number of columns the layout is divided, however, we still need to know the grid system used, the following example shows 6 column layout displayed, but in the background still remains 12 column grid system

6 Columns Layout


1 Column Layout — Display

In this design, multiple sections are highlighted (with a red outline), even though the layout used has only 1 column (the entire 12 columns grid) This is because the elements inside do not have a fixed structure, such as tables or navigation bars that have dynamic measurements and alignments, depending on the content, it is fine to have 1 column layout that avoids confusion and properly neutralizes the real state of the screen

2 Column Layout



2列布局 - 变体


Multi-Column Layout



There is an uncountable number of layout configurations, we as designers have to identify the requirements and information that will be displayed on our design to define what kind of configurations we will apply. The layout has to enhance our design in terms of accessibility and productivity.


Once the layout is set on top of your grid system, it creates containers in which we will place the design elements. For this, the negative space will play a key role to maintain balance within the container. Also, containers can have their own grid to give more flexibility, the inside grid works in the same way as the main grid, trying to keep the consistency with it.

As a best practice to implement the layout it’s important to consider the following factor in the treatment of the containers or boxes.


This model covers all the specifications that a box should have in order to be laid out in your design. These are also the specifications that the developer will use to compose your design in code.

  • Margins是容器的边界和周围元素之间的空间。
  • 边界are the thickness of the stroke around the edges of a container, some elements don’t have any border.
  • Paddings是容器的边界和内部元素之间的空间。
  • Dimensions: the size of the element, measured by width and height.


  • 定义您的规模:措施和一致性应保持一致和理性。第一步是定义屏幕上所有测量和对齐的数字比例。

As best practice use multiples of 8 to match them with your grid system, all the containers, different components, alignments will be divisible by 8, which gives a system to follow.

  • Define Rules in the UI:Any size, margin, padding, and spacing should be defined and documented with their use cases to keep consistency across your design. As a good practice, it is good to have use cases and visual examples that communicate the behavior of the rule. Below you can see some examples of rules documentation.

Prioritize Sections




提示 /最佳实践

  1. Create your containers based on the box model.
  2. 使用八个的倍数进行比例。
  3. Define templates that can be used in multiple experiences.
  4. 始终将布局切成基础网格。


  1. 首先设置网格系统。
  2. 根据框型号定义布局,并用八个尺寸的倍数定义您的布局。
  3. Prioritize containers and sections.
  4. 根据用例定义规模和规则。

Quick Question


  1. 填充,边缘,边界和尺寸。
  2. 填充,不透明和边界
  3. 颜色,边缘,厚度和填充
  4. 填充,边缘,边界,高度和宽度

Leave your answer in the comments section below and join ourcommunity有关UX设计的更有趣的讨论

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一个说“在应用商店上下载”的按钮,如果单击,它将带您到iOS App Store
一个说“获取它,Google Play”的按钮,如果单击它,它将带您到Google Play商店
Prasad Kantamneni

我是设计师,问题解决者,Inc 5000 Studio的联合创始人,以及激情的教育者。我的目标是揭开设计和教授务实策略的神秘面纱。
