

Pexels的Aleksandar Pasaric摄



November 3rd, 2015

By my 9th cigarette, the pinot had run dry.

Mid-inhale, I had the passing thought of running out for another bottle. But I was certainly too drunk to drive, and the only walkable liquor store would already be closed by now. “Eh, probably for the best…透明我thought — a massive hangover won’t make tomorrow any easier.





Actually, three bucks would have been a luxury. In truth my net worth had spiraled so far into the red that the only thing I could think to do with the last $20 bill in my pocket was buy a cheap bottle of wine and my first-ever pack of cigarettes.

在我的客厅中间,我穿过议会的方式,一种奇怪的平静感在我身上洗净。在过去几个月中度过的每一个醒来的时刻都因焦虑和恐惧而遭受恐惧,试图使我的创业活着,at least now I knew。就像船长辞职去船上,现在剩下要做的就是等待…


我曾是$97,452.98 in debt.



我已经同意在相对较短的通知中在婚礼上弹吉他,但有一个问题:前一年我已经与原声吉他分道扬ways。我不感兴趣地炮击数百甚至数千美元以购买新的吉他以进行一次表演,我打电话给一些租赁场所,看看我是否可以抓住几天。呼叫呼叫后,我遇到了平淡无奇的吉他选择,每日高价的价格,就两家商店而言,一个公寓“不 - 我们不租给个人透明

Thankfully, a friend came to the rescue and let me borrow his beautiful Taylor guitar for the wedding, but the whole experience left me with a bad taste in my mouth. “为什么很难访问优质的设备?”Guitarists all over the world walk into music stores every day and play for hours on end. What if they could take that gear with them and play it in the comfort of their own home? As society moves further and further away from ownership of things such as cars, music, movies and more, it begs the question: do you really need to own your instruments?



Several months later, I found myself sitting through three light cycles waiting to turn left in the middle of a particularly brutal Chicago rush hour. During this misery, “All Along the Watchtower” came on the radio (the Hendrix version, of course). It was the first time in years I listened to the song all the way through, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with Hendrix’s guitar solos all over again, just like I had when I was first learning to play at the age of 12.

在最后的独奏中,我无处不在,我觉得自己被闪电击中。立即,我对获得音乐设备的所有想法又回来了 - 只是这次我无法将它们关闭。我在Office Depot停了下来,买了一个巨大的记事本和一些夏普,并在接下来的几周里绘制了企业的想法。

Better access to gear could be done — I knew it could.我将成为这样做的人。


接下来的4个月绝对模糊。但是到了这个混乱的计划和建筑时期,开关+字符串曾是born, and there was no looking back…

First Version of Our Website Homepage

我们的标语是Your Music. Your Terms. —我们简单地将“就像拥有吉他的图书馆卡。”与Netflix的DVD时代类似,每月费用持续,用户可以登录他们的帐户,从数百种音乐设备中建立队列,安排交货,并将所需的齿轮掉落在门口。



在接下来的几个月中,我参与了芝加哥周围的几次活动,这是第一次与潜在客户面对面的会面。当我可以亲自解释时,该概念立即点击。会员飙升,我到达了每天注册几个新会员的地步。这意味着要购买更多的设备和许多漫长的夜晚进行交付。在我的顶峰上,我每周在送货面包车上登录25小时500英里 - 我希望雇用一名驾驶员,因为每增加一美元都在购买设备。


我曾是exhausted, excited, and focused on nothing but growing the business. What kept me going through the craziness? It was the incredible feedback I was getting:


“Do yourself a favor, and if you are even slightly thinking of giving these guys a try, GO FOR IT!”







这是几年来,我了解到有关硅谷,风险投资,闪电战的任何内容以及使快速增长的初创公司与其他任何形式的业务大不相同的其他事物。如果我知道你可以从字面上看将公司公开而没有盈利而公开, I may have felt more encouraged. But from where I stood, my business was unprofitable — and that meant I was failing.



如果我只能到达一定数量的成员。如果我能吸引合适的人注意。我f I can just hang on a little longer, things will all work out…




November 3rd, 2015


至此,我积累了各种工具和技巧来保持灯光的启动。那些烦人的,0%的介绍性信用卡可让您将其视为垃圾邮件?那些是我的面包和黄油 - 每张新的信用卡使我能够平衡高息的平衡,使我流血。需要支票租金吗?信用卡现金预付款为27.24%。为新成员提供服务的新设备?当然,Banker女士,我很高兴用我的汽车作为抵押品来扩大我的信用额度!

While this system of robbing Peter to pay Paul had kept me alive for months, on November 3rd the jig was up. First it was the commercial bank, which refused any further extension of credit barring additional collateral (of which I had none). Then Bank of America shut off my two main personal credit cards, as I had surpassed my credit limit on both. Looking to ease the pressure and get these cards reinstated, I spent several hours that day applying for new credit cards online — but for the first time ever, I was declined on every single one.


With (seemingly) nowhere left to turn for help, I lit a cigarette and made the call: it was time to shut down my startup.

The Aftermath

我t took me over a year to completely close the doors on Switches+Strings. The first 30 days were the craziest. Informing my customers of the decision to end our service. Making hundreds of runs to pick up equipment across Chicagoland. Organizing my crippled financials and putting together a payment program. There was justso要做很多事情。这是我立即开始工作的奇怪工作,以便为食物和租金带来急需的钱。





我需要充分感受到自己的痛苦才能成长。因此,我选择取决于近四年来延长的每月付款计划。实际上,到2019年10月 - 在我关闭开关+字符串的门后47个月 - 我将进行最终的债务付款。为了我在第一家创业公司犯下的经济罪而花了四年的时间悔改。



我nstead of treating the failure of Switches+Strings like the singular event it was, I treated it like a disease. Something I had caught but couldn’t cure. In the moment I couldn’t make the very important distinction betweenhad失败的曾是a failure- 这导致了几年的极端自我怀疑和厌恶。

实际上,如果不是因为我去与辅导员分享我的故事的贤哲建议,那可能会继续下去。虽然起初犹豫不决,但我在这个专业人士中的时间最终使我整个观看传奇的方式都重新校准了,并让我意识到失败事件已经在后视图中已经两年了。她帮助我看到了积极的态度 - 我从经历的经历中获得了巨大的见解,这些见解可以用作我的下一次企业家冒险的坚实基础。从某种意义上说,我自筹资金MBA。

As it turned out, my only real failure was not forgiving myself sooner.



我n between the tears and despair on the night of November 3rd, 2015, I took time out to write an extended email to friends, family, and supporters. In preparation for this story, I dug up this email so that I could fully reimmerse myself into the middle of my worst day.





And maybe, just maybe, after I pull myself back out of this hole, I’ll climb back into the ring with another business or two. After all, the world isn’t going to change itself…

See you on the next ride.

果然,在我关闭Switches+字符串大约两年后,我开始了下一个骑行 - 一个活动营销和赞助机构SilverCrate。毫不奇怪,起初我对财务状况保持警惕。我保留了日常工作。我禁止自己使用任何个人财务或信用卡来为这项合资筹集资金。而且我只接受了我可以盈利服务的客户。


我’ll never forget the night of November 3rd, 2015. At the time I would have given anything for that day to have gone another way. But now, I’m not so sure. Yes, it was the catalyst for an immensely painful period of my life. But it’s also a story I now get to tell myself every single day. And with all the incredible lessons I learned, I have a feeling that this story will ultimately end up with one hell of an ending.

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凯利·伯托格(Kelly Bertog)

Entrepreneur obsessed with marketing, startups, and failure. Love non-alcoholic drinks and building YOURS to support non drinkers everywhere.www.sipyours.com
