It’s not just you: Impostor syndrome in academia



It was a subject I enjoyed studying in high school and it was not a college major competitively sought after by many exam applicants. To my absolute surprise, I passed and started college at 17 years old.

我担心人们会找出我没有像生物学那样投入的生物学 - 毕竟,我从来没有梦想过成为一名科学家!我在大学里呆了很多年,一直担心我更有资格,更聪明的同龄人会揭露我的没有准备就绪。

开始博士学位后,同样的感觉浮出水面。想法“When are they going to find out that I haven’t really thought about being a scientist until I started college?”; “How long until they say there was a mistake and that I was wrongfully accepted into the program?”would come to my mind every day. It wasn’t until I started therapy in my third year of the Ph.D. that I was introduced to the concept of冒名顶替综合征

第一的described by psychologists Suzanne Imes, Ph.D. and Pauline Rose Clance, Ph.D. in the 1970s, impostor syndrome (or impostor phenomenon) occurs among those “who are unable to internalize and accept their success”, according to本文by the American Psychological Association.

As an exercise, my therapist asked me to list the objective reasons why my peers deserved to be in the program and I didn’t. She asked me to concretely identify why I didn’t think I could be a terrific scientist even though I hadn’t planned to become one. Why would people say nice things about my work and professionalism if they really didn’t believe in it? No, they were not saying it just because I am nice. I started to understand that my thoughts were not rational: I am not faking my abilities; I am qualified, and I possess skills that have brought me where I am.

In academia, we are surrounded by highly accomplished individuals. People who have spent years deciphering important aspects of life and have made groundbreaking contributions to the world as we understand it today.


It may help to remember that they were also juniors some time ago. Most of them will relate to your discomfort and guide you to realize that you are exactly where you are supposed to be: in a place to learn and develop professionally. Although these senior researchers have gone through most of their academic training, they also face impostor fears from time to time. Professionals in transition stages (from Ph.D. to postdoc to faculty, from academia to industry, for example) tend to experience these fears as well.

冒名顶替症状从避免会议中的问题(“this would be a dumb thing to ask”)to thinking you got where you are bybeing luckyand not seeing the worthiness of contributions.

无论您的同龄人和主管说您对团队很重要,并且您的贡献很重要,您根本看不到它的价值 - 您坚信他们只会说,因为他们喜欢您。为了在个人层面上解决这个问题,没有什么比治疗更好的方法了。


However, at a community level, we can take a few action steps to lessen the burden of these fears collectively.


Second,我们应该促进一个对每个人都多样化和包容的环境。许多人由于缺乏代表性而面临冒名顶替者的恐惧 - 即,他们没有与给定群体的其他成员共享身份。对于少数民族而言,尤其如此,需要在制度上解决。例如,部门,工作组和教室应该努力建立一个每个人都感到安全和欢迎的环境。


In order to deal with my impostor’s fears, I have been more open about it (for example by writing this piece!), and I have started to assess my accomplishments more rationally.


最后,记住您经历的所有步骤: graduate program interviews, interviews with PIs, CV evaluation, and much more. In each step, there were qualified individuals who evaluated you and concluded that you have what it takes to be where you are. They also did the same thing to your peers — whom you tend to think are far better than you. How do you rationalize that they did a good job by hiring your peers but made a mistake by hiring you?




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