魔法和冒险. .他们能共存吗?

4分钟阅读 2018年5月19日,

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他决定看复仇者电影尽管目睹它的任何以前版本和理解它的任何角色的细节,我认为是一个骄傲的人的生活最重要的美德之一——勇气。老实说,缺点不多,除了170分钟的随机性,但我仍将标签的勇气。其他人称为它愚蠢,因为错过了早些时候的而残酷的称为我pseudo-intellectual。术语不太打扰我。响是什么在我殿的智力或pseudo-intellect好奇心的钟声,信号返回我的流浪的焦虑。我的焦虑解开内容大家都赞不绝口!我怎么能错过它呢?更因为复仇者系列依靠人类的感知存在的模棱两可。它庆祝超级英雄和他们的超自然的力量。元素非常意外和不能平息的。 Something which happens once in a blue moon. It was after all magic in the movie.

魔法——这个词本身就是如此神奇。每个人都想要一片,片就是你得到的,这就是为什么它的神奇的其他一些具有挑战性而又可行的。我们有了感知魔法。魔法揭示惊讶的世界,通常在一个积极的一面。我们可以在下一个时刻降落在火星和看到生活在一个饮料了吗?动物能说人类的语言吗?这是不可能的第一个念头。飞机似乎神奇的童年。通常它的发展。请注意,魔法很痴心妄想。 Often on the shores of tomorrow, we send hopes into exile. We let the cycle of our belief rust in our backyard of acceptance & routine- Welcome ‘pseudo reality’ wrapped in a colorful glossy paper called magic- ephemeral- like a bottle of wine — drowning our modesty & enabling the dreamy stuff to shine. One of my very close friends who triggered this thought in my mind said的基础魔法是危险的。你的梦想,第二天它成真,你喜欢它。下一刻就结束了。以后不会再发生那样的事&。魔法是在我们的潜意识。在现实中我们参与冒险,经历曲折。至少我们经历了很长”。认为是有趣的。


所以没有魔法空间在我们的实际生活吗?神奇的伪装是虚构出来的我们的疯狂的梦想,应该放弃吗?这是魔法的诡计。它本质上是强大的。而冒险的思想火花,魔法点燃火。虽然冒险维持希望在人生的马拉松,魔法推动跨越终点线。它会让你相信,没有什么是做不到的。我们经常限制自己,认为魔法是有限的行动和事件。但魔术拥抱更多。它是嵌入在情感和感觉。 Being a mother is magical- the purity and unexplainable dynamic curve of emotions vis-à-vis efforts is nothing short of magic. Giving birth and making a choice to have a baby is adventure, but after a child’s birth is pure magic. The earth is magical. It gives flowers of different colors and at the same time it grows thorns. It holds strong trees, hides rivers, absorbs sand- it’s all magic. People’s miraculous escape & steely resolve to fight a disease are magic. There is for sure a space for magic in our life. Come to think of it, magicians do not have supernatural powers, rather they are amazing to leverage the nuances of human perception, attention & awareness. And hence our mind is magical. It’s often clouded with many hidden pockets attached. We just need to unravel these pockets. Where the drops of pure rain are? Where are the brave hailstorms hidden? Where are the innovative drums of lightening? Which is the thread stitching the gusty gust of wind? We just need to nudge the magician. And then see the magic unfolding through the power of our minds. Magic is infact the juxtaposition of science and belief. And both magic and adventure can certainly coexist in our life!


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